Kindergarten Worksheets Free printable worksheets with short vowels. Each worksheet focuses on one word and includes various exercises.
Spelling Worksheets
Missing Short Vowel Worksheets
Missing Letters Short Vowel Kindergarten Worksheets In each line there is one letter missing. Each missing letter is actually a short vowel. Which one is it? A E I O or U? Fill in the missing letter/vowel in each word. There is a picture next to each word.
Handwriting Worksheets – Writing Basic Words
Writing Worksheets Read the words then trace the words on the right. Once you have completed the worksheet you can color the pictures. There are a few variations of this worksheet below. Choose the worksheet of your choice and print for free. You will find many more worksheets on this site. Handwriting worksheet with the words: cat,…
Beginning Sounds Worksheets (Animals)
Animal Worksheets The following words are each missing the first letter. Fill in the beginning sound to complete these printable worksheets.
Missing Letter Worksheets (Animals)
Kindergarten Worksheets with Missing Letters The following words are each missing one letter. Fill in the missing letter in each word to complete these kindergarten worksheets.
Crossword Puzzles
This post has a 301 redirect to the page titled “crossword puzzles”
Spelling Worksheets
Spelling Worksheets Circle the word with the correct spelling. Words: Orange, lemon, grapes, fruit Words: Peach, melon, watermelon, strawberry Words: Banana, pear, apple, cherry
SpongeBob Spelling Worksheets
Spelling Worksheets Circle the word with the correct spelling.